3 Quotes About Glimpse

Sometimes it’s difficult to understand the meaning of life. The most important lesson we can learn is to live every moment to the fullest. We can all agree that there are some very tough times in every person’s life, but it’s how we deal with them that defines who we are as people. Life isn’t always easy; sometimes things aren’t going our way Read more

But that is what makes us stronger and better people. Here are a few glimpses into what you can learn from the greatest thinkers of all time about how you should live today.

There is no justice in love, no proportion in it, and there need not be, because in any specific instance it is only a glimpse or parable of an embracing, incomprehensible reality. It makes no sense at all because it is the eternal breaking in on the temporal. So how could it subordinate itself to cause or consequence? Marilynne Robinson
Sometimes poetry--words--give us a small, lovely look at ourselves. And sometimes that is enough. Patricia MacLachlan