3 Quotes About Glacier

 Glaciers are incredible.  They are one of the most beautiful things in the world, and probably the most important too.  They form when snowfall accumulates on mountain slopes, until they reach a certain altitude, where it starts to melt into rivers that eventually flow into oceans.  When they reach the ocean, they create huge glaciers that can be seen in some of the most famous places on earth Read more

 The glaciers are made up of ice.  When the ice melts, it leaves behind this huge amount of water which is called glacial outflow.

I live in one of the best places, bar none,...
I live in one of the best places, bar none, to appreciate the wild natural environment. I also live in one of the most politically difficult places to work on its behalf: Alaska. Kate Troll
Percy glanced over. He saw the fallen giant and seemed to understand what was happening. He yelled something that was lost in the wind, probably: Go! Then he slammed Riptide into the ice at his feet. The entire glacier shuddered. Ghosts fell to their knees. Behind Percy, a wave surged up from the bay-a wall of gray water even taller than the glacier. Water shot from the chasms and crevices in the ice. As the wave hit, the back half of the camp crumbled. The entire edge of the glacier peeled away, cascading into the void-carrying buildings, ghosts, and Percy Jackson over the edge. Rick Riordan