3 Quotes About Gh Hardy

It's easy to make things in life. It's much harder to make them right. Gh-Hardy is a great author that talks about how to be a good person and a good person to others. He talks about how to be honest, honest with yourself, honest with others, and honest with the world Read more

Anyone can use these quotes to help them on their journey of life.

Plenty of mathematicians, Hardy knew, could follow a step-by-step discursus unflaggingly–yet counted for nothing beside Ramanujan. Years later, he would contrive an informal scale of natural mathematical ability on which he assigned himself a 25 and Littlewood a 30. To David Hilbert, the most eminent mathematician of the day, he assigned an 80. To Ramanujan he gave 100. Robert Kanigel
I do not think that G. H. Hardy was talking nonsense when he insisted that the mathematician was discovering rather than creating... The world for me is a necessary system, and in the degree to which the thinker can surrender his thought to that system and follow it, he is in a sense participating in that which is timeless or eternal. Brand Blanshard