17 Quotes About Gavin

The words "I love you" have been around for a long time. In fact, the English language has a number of phrases that mean the same thing. But, what about the ones that mean something else? Here are some funny and interesting love quotes from famous authors and celebrities, including quotes from Shakespeare, Mark Twain, and Bill Clinton.

Nobody wants to believe that existence carries on without at...
Nobody wants to believe that existence carries on without at least taking a stumble from their departure of this world. Nenia Campbell
I was twelve. You were girls, and therefore an entirely different species. Elizabeth May
Among leaders who have made the greatest impact through ages, I would consider Muhammad before Jesus Christ. James Gavin
When we mated I felt your heart stop beating and it was as if the world had stopped turning. It was only while surrounded by death that I realized I had never felt more alive. Nenia Campbell
Unbelievable, ” Gavin said. “There’s a whole legion of magical beings living on Earth and only Aquarians know about them.”“ We come in peace, ” Ilauria said, surprised at her attempt at levity. A wide grin replaced his serious expression. “Lucky for us. Jasmine Angell
It takes many sheep to satisfy one wolf. Nenia Campbell
Ask yourself what a man without guile might do to your body in the dark. Nenia Campbell
Gavin stood within the trees, observing her from the shadows. He watched the basket rise to her nose as she closed her eyes to sniff at its contents. A smile told him it smelled delicious, but she didn’t open the container to pinch off a sample. Instead, the basket lowered to swing at her side as it had previously done. All at once the air was filled with soft singing--a sweet, merry tune comprised of ludicrous lyrics. It was impossible not to grin at the . Richelle E. Goodrich
And so the game went on in this manner, a throng of children playing keep-away from a bowling ball tossed back and forth between two plump ogres. The air filled with shrieks and cheers and shouts of laughter as daring players thrilled at the sport. That is, all but the few poor souls knocked flat and captured. No laughter rose from behind bars because those in the birdcage knew what was in store. They would soon be lunch for a couple of hungry ogres. Now you might be thinking–didn’t Gavin call it fun when he was swallowed by a wolf earlier? And didn’t he tell that raven-haired girl it doesn’t hurt to be swallowed whole by a bear? All true, all true. But here’s a secret you might not. Richelle E. Goodrich
The truth is that few know the truth. Richelle E. Goodrich
When the girl didn’t move, Gavin summoned her near with his fingers. His heart thrummed as she obeyed, stepping up close to him. Her young stature was much shorter than his tall, wiry form. Gavin regarded her prettiness - pale cheeks, pink lips, inquisitive eyes. Fascinated by her, he longed to know her name. “ Who are you?” he asked. He heard the girl utter the same question at the same time. Cocking his head, he claimed, “I asked you first.” “ No you didn’t, ” she protested, shaking her red-hooded head, “I asked you at the same time you asked me.” Gavin grinned at her insistence. It was hard for him not to chuckle. “Well, then, I suppose we’ll have to go with ‘girls first’.” His grin widened into a white smile. The girl gestured to herself. “I’m Little Red Riding Hood.” He recognized the name of a fairytale character, and groaned under his breath at not having discovered this dreamer’s real name. “ Actually, ” she confessed almost immediately, “I’m not really Red Riding Hood. My name is Annabelle, but I’m pretending to be her because……well……because this is my dream and that’s what I wish to dream abo. Richelle E. Goodrich
Son, I hope your opinion of your mother hasn’t lessened, knowing what you now know.” Gavin glanced up; incredulity skewed his eyebrows. His expression appeared both stunned and appalled. “Never, Father! I love her! It makes no difference to me where she came from.” The man nodded, a show of relief in his features. His large hand, soft in touch, went to brush a string of hair away from his wife’s peaceful profile. “Your mother loves you too, son, more than anything in the world. She worries about you, day and night.” That sentiment stirred something profoundly pleasant inside the boy. He grinned at the internal warmth it created. . Richelle E. Goodrich
I’m never going to be kissed.” I open my eyes to see my brothers gaping at me like I’ve lost my mind.“ You don’t kiss boys, ” says West. “Boys shouldn’t be anywhere near you. Guys only want one thing, Rach, and it ain’t conversation. I should know.” He waves off the subject in frustration, then shakes his head as he speaks again. “Why are we even talking about this? You aren’t seeing anyone.”“ Ah, hell, ” mumbles Jack. “We’re having the sex talk with my baby sister.”“ Is she dating?” Gavin demands of West and Ethan. “She can’t be dating. Now we have to beat the snot out of some horny teenager. You should have told me this was going on.”“ Make them stop, ” I whisper to Ethan. Along with the dread of speeches and vomiting, I’m also dying of embarrassment.“ She’s not dating! ” West shudders as if spiders cover him. “That’s just sick, Rach. Don’t talk like that. Ever. Again.”Gavin sends me a glare clearly meant to warn me off from kissing and dating boys before he heads for the main ballroom. Katie Mcgarry
You always question what's new. It's human nature. While everything else, you know, no matter how strange, feels normal because you're trained to see it that way. You're brainwashed. J.m. Darhower
If you're a boy, any display of sensitivity is gay. Compassion is gay. Crying is supergay. Reading is usually gay. Certain songs and types of music are gay. 'Enola Gay' would certainly be thought gay. Love songs are gay. Love itself is incredibly gay, as are any other heartfelt emotions. Singing is gay, but chanting is not gay. Wanking contests are not gay. Neither is all-male cuddling during specially designated periods in football matches, or communal bathing thereafter. (I didn't invent the rules of gay - I'm just telling you what they are.) . Gavin Extence
She got fired?" Confusion laced Gavin's voice. "When?""This morning, " Dante muttered." Why?" Gavin asked. "What did she do?"" Me, " Dante said." Oh." A moment of silence passed before Gavin broke out into laughter. "Ah man, really? She lost her job for fucking around with you?"" I don't see why that's so funny."" Because, " Gavin said, "you're the worst consolation prize ever." Dante shot right back up, and Matty barely had enough time to move out of the way before the bottle of water hurled by him, hitting Gavin in the chest. . J.m. Darhower