13 Quotes About Forbidden-Fruit

There’s nothing more frustrating than someone who won’t listen to your advice. Whether it’s a friend, family member, coworker, or significant other, these quotes about forbidden fruit will help you deal with people who don’t want to know what you have to say.

By the way, if you get mad at your Mac...
By the way, if you get mad at your Mac laptop and wonder who designed this demonic device, notice the manufacturer's icon on top: an apple with a bite out of it. Peter Kreeft
She remembered how her heart, so tight, like a scroll, had opened when Arin kissed her. It had unfurled. If her heart were truly a scroll, she could burn it. It would become a tunnel of flame, a handful of ash. The secrets she had written inside herself would be gone. No one would know Marie Rutkoski
I want to take you under the moonlight. Kassandra Cross
I think our last kiss was meant to be quick and chaste, but after the first touch of his lips fire leaped up and roared through my belly. My fingers yanked him close, digging into his back, and his arms crushed me to him as if wanting to meld us together. I knotted my fingers in his hair and bit down on his bottom lip, making him groan. His lips parted, and my tongue swept in to dance with his. There was nothing sweet or gentle in our last kiss; it was filled with sorrow and desperation, of the bitter knowledge that we could've had something perfect, but it just wasn't meant to be. Julie Kagawa
We hunger in earnest for that which we cannot consume. Nenia Campbell
She had assumed they would see each other every day but she hadn’t really thought about the implications of having an affair with a married man. It wasn’t going to be a normal relationship. Kassandra Cross
You do bad things to me, Carrie, ” he grinned, “Very bad things. Kassandra Cross
She remembered the story from her childhood, about Adam and Eve in the garden, and the talking snake. Even as a little girl she had said - to the consternation of her family - What kind of idiot was Eve, to believe a snake? But now she understood, for she had heard the voice of the snake and had watched as a wise and powerful man had fallen under its spell. Eat the fruit and you can have the desires of your heart. It's not evil, it's noble and good. You'll be praised for it. And it's delicious. Orson Scott Card
Delight is délice, délit is a misdemeanour'' Well, it's bloody close...'' Well, they often are.... Alan Hollinghurst
I am not sure that the best way to make a boy love the English poets might not be forbid him to read them and then make sure that he had plenty of opportunities to disobey you. C.s. Lewis
Tasting what could have been–what should have been–didn't make it easier. Kele Moon
An inappropriate attraction to your friend’s fiancé was grounds for disbarment from the Woman Club. Neither did it make a lick of sense. He was uncouth, uneducated, uncivilized. All of their conversations back then had been unholy bicker fests where they charged from the opposite ends of the spectrum, determined not to meet in the middle but to rip pieces out of each other on the drive by. Kate Meader