3 Quotes About Floating

Floating is a meditation technique that involves deep breathing, relaxation, and awareness. Floating allows us to become one with the water or sky. The sensation of floating can be exhilarating because it takes us out of the ordinary and helps us move toward a state of peace and calm. In our busy lives, we can lose ourselves in our work or activities and forget to cultivate our spirit Read more

When we float, we can reconnect with ourselves and feel more peaceful, centered, and motivated.

Gloating is a superficial glowing, floating is an idle flowing,...
Gloating is a superficial glowing, floating is an idle flowing, and bloatedness is the paralysis of blowing up; because silent movement results in loud victories. Criss Jami
I am floating, I thought, completely without anchor, at the mercy of the wind. S.J. Watson