5 Quotes About Fissure

Fissures are open cracks in the skin, and they tend to be found in the soles of the feet, toes, or lower legs. They occur when you walk or run and your foot hits a hard surface such as a rock or a curb. The skin around the fissure can become inflamed, and this can make it very painful. The skin can also separate from the bone causing a gap between your toe and the other toes, known as a claw toe.

Emotional predictive profiling may help identify contingent fissures in the stature of endangered relationships. Still and all, it might be wise to let the genie out of problematic bottles in the first place, in advance of scouting the causes of surreptitious subliminal convulsions. ("Beware of the neighbor") Erik Pevernagie
Lumani had never managed a failed delivery because, in the end, no matter how skilled or how hard they fought back, pressure applied in the right places caused even the strongest men to fracture. But this one? He'd watched her. Studied her. Observed what maybe even Uncle, the reader of people, had missed. This one was already fractured, and the lines between her broken pieces were not fissures but scar material stronger than whatever had once filled those spaces. Taylor Stevens
Stars are cracks of light for night than pierces the heart. (Étoiles sont fissures de lumière - De la nuit que transperce le cÅ“ur.) Charles De Leusse
What the fissure through which one sees disaster? The circle is unbroken; the harmony complete. Here is the central rhythm; here the common mainspring. I watch it expand, contract; and then expand again. Yet I am not included. Virginia Woolf