9 Quotes About Finn

A lot of people have very different ideas about what it means to be a “real” man. Some might even say that being a man means being able to pump iron, earn more money than your wife, and have more sex than your girlfriend. But there are plenty of other ways being a man can manifest itself, and these are some of them. These are all true statements about being a man, but they don’t necessarily mean you need to do them in order to be a “real” man.

What if she's all I give you in this life of ours, my love?" she asked quietly. "Then I'll shout at the goddess in fury, " he said fiercely. "I'll beg to know why I've been given so much when other men have so little. Melina Marchetta
So, ” I said. “Exactly how long have the two of you been together? I assume that you’ve been going hot and heavy ever since that night at Fletcher’s house when the bounty hunters interrupted you. Am I right?” Finn and Bria didn’t look at me or each other.“ Right, ” Bria mumbled. “Although if it makes you uncomfortable–”“ Then Gin’s just going to have to deal with it, ” Finn cut her off. Bria stared at him in surprise.“ What?” Finn said. “I worked too hard and too long to get you into my bed to just cut you loose now, cupcake.” Bria’s eyes narrowed. “Cupcake?”“Cupcake.” Finn grinned at her. “Or would you prefer snuggle bunny?” Bria’s hand drifted down to the gun on her leather belt, as though she wanted to pull it out and shoot Finn with it. Well, it was good to know I wasn’t the only one who occasionally had that reaction to him.. Then I fixed them both with a hard stare. “Just don’t ask me to take sides when the two of you go at each other. Okay?”They nodded, then looked at each other. Finn waggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner, and Bria snorted. But she couldn’t stop a grin from curving her lips. Jennifer Estep
Thank you for giving me another chance."" Thank you for deserving one. Kiersten White
Sometimes funny is all you've got. Amy Harmon
I feel us tilting toward each other like trees in a strong breeze. I've been craving the sight of him for days, but now its not enough. I'm not sure who moves first. The inches between us are erased until I'm in his arms and my mouth finds his. Jessica Spotswood
That's such bullshit, Mythology repeated by parents because it lets them force their kids into sports and push them too hard by pretending that in the end it will pay off with the holy scholarship. You know how many kids get a free ride? Hardly any. Like, maybe fourteen.' -Finn (165) Laurie Halse Anderson
From my vantage point I can see the back of his neck flush pink beneath his collar. He's got freckles there, too. I wonder how many more freckle's he's got. Are they all over, or just where the sun's touched? Good Lord, why am I thinking of Finn Belastra without his clothes on? Jessica Spotswood
All I know is, he found out you left and he locked himself in the shed and barricaded the door. No one's seen him since, " Doug said. "When I bolted, Sean and Evan were trying to boost Caleb up onto the roof so he could look through the skylight and make sure the kid wasn't dead or something. Kate Brian