31 Quotes About Popular

 Here are some of the most popular quotes around. We've included the most-shared quotes on social media, as well as those that have already been picked up by celebrities and other influencers.

On faith’s battered back calm eyes etch prayers that cool a nation’s hot rage. Aberjhani
I hold you in the safest place I keep. Somewhere...
I hold you in the safest place I keep. Somewhere between memories and scars. Nicole Lyons
As only dead leaves allow the wind to blow them...
As only dead leaves allow the wind to blow them to and fro, never allow yourself to be swayed by popular opinion. Matshona Dhliwayo
Excellence in obscurity is better than mediocrity in the spotlight. Matshona Dhliwayo
False has many wings. Do not judge anything by its popularity. Amit Ray
Oh, why fill the heart with yesterday and tomorrow when this moment is all the heart needs? Let the heart be present, let the mind be here, let the eyes see, let the ears hear, let the soul witness, let the words flow .. down this gentle river, you know the way. Why must the eyes know exactly where and why must the mind know exactly how and why must the heart know exactly what and why must the soul know exactly when? It doesn't matter. In the same way that the headlights do not need to show from here all the way to your home before you get there, the headlights just need to show the next few feet. And if the car continues to move, with the headlights showing just the next few feet, you can make it home from anywhere. So in the same way, let the heart, let the eyes, let the mind, let the ears, let the soul, let the touch of this moment feel what is here .. without focusing on what will be there. Allow the essence of this, and this, and this, and this to enrich your life. Be with this now. Witness the tree as you pass by and watch the birds fly to it, drawn to it in the same way that bugs are drawn to lights. Let your heart be drawn to this moment, let your soul be guided by what is here, now. Israel S. Dudley
In the history of a soul’s evolution there is a critical point of the human incarnation that decides for us whether we stay there, go down or progress upwards. There is a knot of worldly desires impeding us; cut the knot by mastering desires and go forward. This done, progress is assured. Virchand Gandhi
I'm going home." - Celeste"To never return?" - Uway"Yes, show me the way to never return." - CelesteALL LIGHT WILL FALL Almney King
Agent Smith, a lady is never late, everyone is simply early.” I said back, paraphrasing something I saw on a 20/20 special. “Well, a lady isn’t exactly what they are expecting. Rumi Antoinette
What’s that around your neck?” asked Emily. “It’s a golden star.” Said Reed.“What did you get it for?”“ Chemistry class.”“ What’s the star for?” the shadow asked, Usually stars represent a straight A student. “You get it for having greatness. But Emily doesn’t know what that is.” He said, answering the shadows question and looking at Emily. “Greatness, what’s greatness?” Emily asked, all wide eyed, and clueless looking“ It’s when you do really awesome stuff, and people recognize you for it.”“ Oh, no” Emily laughed .”No, I don’t know what that is. Rumi Antoinette
I love you.. I love you without needing you, I love you without wanting you. I love you for being you. Because, you see, needing you is a necessity; and wanting you is a desire. But being, is as it is. And so, you as you are, this as it is, is as it is just fine. I guess the next level will be, I love you.. with no explanation. Simply because I'm lost at words for you, and even if I found words, none of them would explain. Like a man who speaks another language trying to communicate, so will I be a love that feels an unexplainable feeling, trying to explain. I can't.. And that's okay. Israel S. Dudley
What if love is this fun game that started from heaven with you and I, perfectly together. And then, at some point, we agreed to play a game, to be tossed into a world in which we would spend the rest of our lives trying to find each other. Wouldn't it be fun to know that no matter what, no matter when, no matter how, and no matter where, at some point I'd find you, and say ... "Hello. Israel S. Dudley
Only one wish I have, and that is to die a happy man. Jonathan Anthony Burkett
I touched curiosity, I kissed sin, I felt regret, And I was forgiven. But life won't let me forget. J.A. ANUM
We are all a little broken, looking for something whole to hang on to. But sometimes, what seems whole is even more broken than we are. J.A. ANUM
He walked out the door and with each step my heart breaks. He'd be gone for days with long silences between each breath. I know I'm his one of many and he knows he's my one of one. The only one who holds him down. Yet, he still leaves. He walks through the door and with each step my heart leaps. He crumbles to the ground in tears telling me he's sorry. He says he needs me and he's nothing without me. How can he be so attached and detached at the same time? I swear, this man loves to see me in pain. J.A. ANUM
You said we can't happen, but darling, we started happening the very first day we met. J.A. ANUM
I am a master wordsmith. I have the ability to bend words at will and invoke feelings with the stroke of my pen. But I'm yet to master the art of finding the right words to describe what happens in my heart when I see you. J.A. ANUM
No baby, you didn't hurt me. You wrecked me. Know the difference. J.A. ANUM
We left dents on each other. Mine was in her heart, and hers was on my car. J.A. ANUM
Let me be the drink in your cup. I know how to intoxicate you. J.A. ANUM
I'll gladly settle for amnesia if I had to live in a world where I couldn't remember how much you mean to me. J.A. ANUM
I'll stop loving you the day my shadow stops following me around. Because on that day, nothing will make sense. J.A. ANUM
The first time I saw your face, my lips said, "hello" and my heart said, "that's your wife. J.A. ANUM
He pulled me close and said, "Katie, don't leave me, you're my breath, I refuse to live without you." It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard, but I still walked away, because my name is Anne Marie. J.A. ANUM
I tasted danger on his lips and became an addict. A slave to adrenaline and irrational behaviour. We lived recklessly in a dramatic whirl; Clubbing and Cutting, Drinking and Driving, Fighting and Fucking, Smoking and Snorting, Overdoing and Overdosing. I tasted danger on his lips and lost my way. J.A. ANUM
There's something about her. It's not her smile or grace, It's not her beauty or race, It's not her scent or warm embrace, Maybe it's her laugh or the shape of her face. No, that's not the case. It's just her. J.A. ANUM
To lose such a love, is to smell the last scent of a candle before it is blown out. Such a love does not need to be relit or rekindled. It will find itself, in new days and new moments. And so, don't raise an anxious hand to relight what has already gone out. In those moments alone in the dark, you will hear the sound of your heart, pounding so hard that by its very own will, it will create a spark. Follow that light, follow that love, because that love is going to lead you within, to the true foundation of love. Israel S. Dudley
Emotional pain was the price I paid on the path to becoming a woman. So excuse me if I’m not clueless like a little girl. J.A. ANUM
My soul is crushed under the weight of tears I can’t spill. J.A. ANUM