4 Quotes About Finding Your Voice

Everyone has a unique voice, but it takes practice to truly discover it. The quotes below will help you find your own voice, so you can speak up for yourself, express yourself confidently, and use it the way God intended. If you’ve ever tried to speak up or have trouble saying what you really want without sounding crazy or dumb, these quotes are for you. They will give you the strength and courage to take back your life and share it with others.

If you have the words, there's always a chance that...
If you have the words, there's always a chance that you'll find the way. Seamus Heaney
My truth asked people to understand and to learn about...
My truth asked people to understand and to learn about depths of pain they had previously walked past…. I had kept my silence for a reason. - from Without a Voice by Chris Pepple Chris Pepple
My advice for life: dance and sing your song while the party is still on. Rasheed Ogunlaru