5 Quotes About Fifth Doctor

When asked to pick a favorite Doctor Who companion, many people would respond with the Fourth or even the Eleventh. In our list of Fifth Doctor quotes, we have collected all the best words from this brilliant Time Lord to inspire you in your own life.

Don't interfere! " The Doctor silenced her angrily. "I cannot will my own destruction. Peter Grimwade
Then what do we call you?" another of the heat forms asked. "We are Rutan." "Our species need something a little more particular, " the first heat form of the Time Lord said. "I think we’ll call you Fred, for ease of reference. David A. McIntee
The Brigadier had no wish to shake hands with the...
The Brigadier had no wish to shake hands with the improbable young man in the ridiculous frock-coat. Peter Grimwade
When he pursed his lips and dropped a hand into his coat pocket, the last thing Nur expected him to pull out was a cricket ball. "I'd hoped for a disruptor at least, " she muttered reprovingly. The Doctor slipped three fingers around the ball and hefted it experimentally. "I thought we'd try something a little less excessive." He breathed gently on to the maroon leather and polished it on his leg as the Sontaran finally tossed the Kshatriya aside and stopped to pick up its fallen weapon. He stepped around the corner, sighting along his free arm as the Sontaran straightened, its back fully turned. The cricket ball flashed down the length of the corridor in the blink of an eye, punching into the back of the Sontaran's collar and ricocheting away. To Nur's astonishment, the alien spasmed and crashed to the floor like a falling tree. "Out for a duck, " the Doctor commented, blowing across his fingertips. "I've never seen anything killed by a cricket ball before." "You haven't yet. He'll wake up in a few minutes. . David A. McIntee