8 Quotes About Fast Pace

Astray from a deep sleep chronic as I write by phonics, like insomnia I will always live the onyx night for revealing, and, upon it, still I'll steal the bright light of day right away just to keep building at speeds hypersonic. Criss Jami
Apparently, we're all in the frame, " I heard Harry murmur somewhere behind me. And I whirled back to him. Innate, irrational anger surged. Then stopped, dead - as I suddenly took in Handsome, Robert and Doc. They were all staring at me. They were concentrating, all resolute, all a tad furrow-browed… upon my face. Self-consciousness burgeoned. I gingerly fingered my and lips and my chin, " Am I drooling?"" Your arse is hanging out, " said Harry, not looking up from the forensics he was scanning. And so it was. Handsome, Robert and Doc averted their eyes as I, wishing I'd merely been dribbling, grabbed the back flaps of my breezy hospital gown, fully placed my back against the wall. Then, thinking better of it, dived hurriedly, carefully, back into bed. If Chinese Lady'd been here, she could've, would've, told me. I missed her already. . Morana Blue
SWAT? For me?" Still trembling, one hand clung to the ambulance gurney, the other held a massive sterilised cotton wool wad under my nose." Tactical Support was busy. You got Dennis and Arlo, " said Harry, speed-reading the papers he'd snatched from inside my jacket. Closest his hands had been to my chest in a long time." Which one broke my nose?"" That'd be Dennis. Morana Blue
Confidence is highly erotic. K.D. Harp
Never trust a woman hoarding a half-eaten bag of M&M's. K.D. Harp
Sometimes its hard to tell how fast the current's moving until you're headed over a waterfall Kimberly McCreight
Busy in a bus or lacking luck you poke to pluck a pick-up truck. Utterly shocked you choke in the lock and check if you chuck a buck or if you are stuck in the muck. So you should lurk in a day like this in such a murky lucky way. In a day when you don't know if you laugh or cry.. Errands wait for those who are late in the busiest day. Such day that defies all your senses and makes you want to fly.. To fly away!. Ana Claudia Antunes