5 Quotes About Evidence Based Decision Making

Making good decisions can be a challenge, but telling yourself that you have to have all the facts and then making a decision without ever seeing the evidence is a huge mistake. We’ve put together a list of some of the best “evidence-based decision making quotes” to help you see how important it is to have both information and common sense on your side when it comes to making big decisions.

You see, faith means the same thing as the word “trust”, or as I often like to say; “Faith is when someone is holding you over a ledge and you know in your heart that not only will they not let you fall, they’ll pull you up to safety”. You know that the person holding onto you exists. You have very powerful evidence that that person exists, but you still have faith in them. This is the real definition of the word “faith”. . Evan Minton
We must speak truth to power and confront ignorance with facts. DaShanne Stokes
Their attempts to make sense of the world had carried heat but little light. Tim Weiner
Believe what you wish, but prove what you can. Carmine Savastano