6 Quotes About Erich-Fromm

For many people, romantic relationships are the most important thing in their lives. However, they can be complicated, sometimes even painful. Here are some great relationship quotes to help you work through any problems.

For despite what some people say, love is not only...
For despite what some people say, love is not only a sweet falling bound to come and quickly go away. Erich Fromm
Although there are certain needs, such as hunger, thirst, sex, which are common to man, those drives which make for the differences in men's characters, like love and hatred, the lust for power and the yearning for submission, the enjoyment of sensuous pleasure and the fear of it, are all products of the social process. The most beautiful as well as the most ugly inclinations of man are not part of a fixed and biologically given human nature, but result from the social process which creates man. In other words, society has not only a suppressing function - although it has that too - but it has also a creative function. Erich Fromm
Since men are equal and thus have the same wish for happiness, and since there is not enough wealth to satisfy them all to the same extent, they necessarily fight against each other and want power to secure the future enjoyment of what they have at present. Erich Fromm
The key problem of psychology is that of the specific kind of relatedness of the individual towards the world and not that of the satisfaction or frustration of this or that instinctual need per se Erich Fromm
The field of human relations in Freud’s sense is similar to the market–it is an exchange of satisfaction of biologically given needs, in which the relationship to the other individual is always a means to an end but never an end in itself. Erich Fromm