40 Quotes About Enlighten

These enlighten quotes will help you enlighten your day, week or month. So what are you waiting for? Read these enlighten quotes and start enlightening your life today!

We awaken by asking the right questions. We awaken when we see knowledge being spread that goes against our own personal experiences. We awaken when we see popular opinion being wrong but accepted as being right, and what is right being pushed as being wrong. We awaken by seeking answers in corners that are not popular. And we awaken by turning on the light inside when everything outside feels dark. Suzy Kassem
The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm...
The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days. Lao Tzu
Even though people experiencing dementia become unable to recount what has just happened, they still go through the experience–even without recall. The psychological present lasts about three seconds. We experience the present even when we have dementia. The emotional pain caused by callous treatment or unkind talk occurs during that period. The moods and actions of people with dementia are expressions of what they have experienced, whether they can still use language and recall, or not. Judy Cornish
Science replaces private prejudice with public, verifiable evidence.
Science replaces private prejudice with public, verifiable evidence. Richard Dawkins
Do not give them a candle to light the way,...
Do not give them a candle to light the way, teach them how to make fire instead. That is the meaning of enlightenment. Kamand Kojouri
Truth is not fully explosive, but purely electric. You don't...
Truth is not fully explosive, but purely electric. You don't blow the world up with the truth; you shock it into motion. Criss Jami
Promote, then, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened. George Washington
Two things are needed to raise awareness: education and love....
Two things are needed to raise awareness: education and love. And these go hand in hand because we can be taught to love. Kamand Kojouri
I long for the day when I hear the musicwithout...
I long for the day when I hear the musicwithout any song. Kamand Kojouri
In the last 10 years, we have seen a rise in selfishness: selfies, self-absorbed people, superficiality, self-degradation, apathy, and self-destruction. So I challenge all of you to take initiative to change this programming. Instead of celebrating the ego, let's flip the script and celebrate the heart. Let's put the ego and celebrity culture to sleep, and awaken the conscience. This is the battle we must all fight together to win back our humanity. To save our future and our children. Suzy Kassem
The first step towards true enlightenment is to lighten up...
The first step towards true enlightenment is to lighten up on yourself. Bashar
Be like the sun who fell in love with the...
Be like the sun who fell in love with the moon and shared all his light. Kamand Kojouri
In order to make the egoism non-existent [zero], the Gnani...
In order to make the egoism non-existent [zero], the Gnani Purush [the enlightened one] establishes the awareness of the Pure Soul within. Dada Bhagwan
Art doesn’t give rise to anything in us that isn’t already there. It simply stirs our curious consciousness and sparks a fire that illuminates who we have always wanted to be. Kamand Kojouri
What is the value of the Gnani’s [the enlightened one’s] feet? It is a value that is immeasurable. The Gnani’s feet is one & the only solvent to dissolve egoism. Dada Bhagwan
Name and form are simply illusions of separation. Love doesn’t make us blind; rather, it erases the illusions so we can see clearly. Kamand Kojouri
The future only gets brighter if we don’t forget to enlighten the present moment. Debasish Mridha
Let it be that your life becomes the brightest light that enlightens the whole world. Debasish Mridha
Enlightenment lacks any form of judgment. Kamand Kojouri
O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams. Augustine Of Hippo
A writer's thoughts can act as an Aladdin's lamp, which can enlighten and open the mind of a reader, by showing opportunities and beauties of life. Debasish Mridha
Write about the beauty of rainbows and the glint of reflected light that can enlighten readers' minds. Debasish Mridha
You're looking for the light, Forgetting You have an astonishing light, inside you, which can enlighten the whole world. Debasish Mridha
Invest your money and time acquiring knowledge for yourself... and the good news is that as you do so, you keep your children and grandchildren and unborn generations enlightened by what you have already learnt! Israelmore Ayivor
Find strength in your heartbeat, than weakness with a beat heart. Take each breath as another chance, and love for a new day. Anthony Liccione
At present, a good many men engaged in scientific pursuits, and who have signally failed in gaining recognition among their fellows, are endeavoring to make reputations among the churches by delivering weak and vapid lectures upon the 'harmony of Genesis and Geology.' Like all hypocrites, these men overstate the case to such a degree, and so turn and pervert facts and words that they succeed only in gaining the applause of other hypocrites like themselves. Among the great scientists they are regarded as generals regard sutlers who trade with both armies. Surely the time must come when the wealth of the world will not be wasted in the propagation of ignorant creeds and miraculous mistakes. The time must come when churches and cathedrals will be dedicated to the use of man; when minister and priest will deem the discoveries of the living of more importance than the errors of the dead; when the truths of Nature will outrank the 'sacred' falsehoods of the past, and when a single fact will outweigh all the miracles of Holy Writ.Who can over estimate the progress of the world if all the money wasted in superstition could be used to enlighten, elevate and civilize mankind? When every church becomes a school, every cathedral a university, every clergyman a teacher, and all their hearers brave and honest thinkers, then, and not until then, will the dream of poet, patriot, philanthropist and philosopher, become a real and blessed truth. . Robert G. Ingersoll
When I was young, I thought it was thunder that kills people. But when I learnt physics in St. Paul's High School, I discovered that it is rather the lightning that does the killing. The voice of the thunder itself is just a noise. The lightning is the poise. I learnt to take the course of my life, not by violence but rather with intelligence. Israelmore Ayivor
You can't be successful if you are good at hiding yourself! Be success minded; think about uncovering what you know, what you have, and what you have to know for the comfort, inspiration and enlightenment of others! Israelmore Ayivor
Each of us has immense potential to achieve what we desire, unless we enliven and enlighten our life with inspiration, bring our dreams or desires into reality we will never shine as bright as our potential. Steven Redhead
Who can over estimate the progress of the world if all the money wasted in superstition could be used to enlighten, elevate and civilize mankind? Robert G. Ingersoll
Everything I know, everything I put in my fiction, will hurt someone somewhere as surely as it will comfort and enlighten someone else. What then is my responsibility? What am I to restrain? What am I to fear and alter--my own nakedness or the grief of the reader? I want my stories to be so good they are unforgettable; to make my ideas live and my own terrors real for people I will never meet. It is a completely amoral writer's lust. If we begin to agree that some ideas are too dangerous, too bad to invite inside our heads, then we stop the storyteller completely. We silence everyone who would tell us something that might be painful in our vulnerable moments. Dorothy Allison
The goal of any spiritual person is to strive towards attaining self-realization by living spontaneously in the present moment of physical reality, free from anxiety and distress, unencumbered by frivolous affections, and liberated from specious attachments. Kilroy J. Oldster
Be the light in the darkness to inspire and to enlighten others. Debasish Mridha
I’ve heard that sometimes a version of you must die before another more enlightened version can be born. I think that’s true after watching the corpse of myself walk around. Julie Flygare
Every single empire in its official discourse has said that it is not like all the others, that its circumstances are special, that it has a mission to enlighten, civilize, bring order and democracy, and that it uses force only as a last resort. And, sadder still, there always is a chorus of willing intellectuals to say calming words about benign or altruistic empires, as if one shouldn't trust the evidence of one's eyes watching the destruction and the misery and death brought by the latest mission civilizatrice. Edward Said
When the artist is alive in any person, whatever his kind of work may be, he becomes an inventive, searching, daring, self-expressive creature. He becomes interesting to other people. He disturbs, upsets, enlightens, and opens ways for better understanding. Where those who are not artists are trying to close the book, he opens it and shows there are still more pages possible. Robert Henri
Let the light of love enlighten the whole world. Let the power of love overpower all the evils. Debasish Mridha
Over the years, I’ve discovered that as the years go by, sometimes we are energized and enlighten and sometimes we are demoralized and disheartened to realize that in some situations our beginning is our end and in others our end is our beginning. Martin Guevara Urbina