3 Quotes About Eating Animal

You may have seen people eat animals before, but there are some animals that are eaten that are not typically considered “meat.” Some people eat insects, worms, snails, birds, and small mammals. People also sometimes eat other animals after their meat has been used in a dish or recipe. If you ever wondered what the weirdest thing to ever be eaten is, this list of weird foods will give you an idea. "I don't really know why I'm eating this." "Not really sure where this came from." "This is the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted." "This one is pretty much like eating dirt." "I guess this is like eating a rock." "I don't even know what this is." "This basically tastes like dirt." "I'm in shock right now." "This is pretty much like eating concrete." "This tastes exactly like dirt." "Is it too late to say no?" "It's not like I'm hungry for an animal here, but whatever works!" "This tastes just like dirt to me." "Should I trust my instincts?"

Confronted with the problems that characterize our herding culture, we are perhaps like the metaphorical man wounded by an arrow that the Buddha discussed with his students. He said that the man would be foolish if he tried to discover who shot the arrow, why he shot it, where he was when he shot it, and so forth, before having the arrow removed and the wound treated, lest he bleed to death attempting to get his questions answered. We, likewise, can all remove the arrow and treat the wound of eating animal foods right now. We don't need to know the whole history. We can easily see it is cruel and that it is unnecessary; whatever people have done in the past, we are not obligated to imitate them if it is based on delusion. Perhaps in the past people thought they needed to enslave animals and people to survive, and that the cruelty involved in it was somehow allowed them. It's obviously not necessary for us today, as we can plainly see by walking into any grocery store, and the sooner we can awaken from the thrall of the obsolete mythos that we are predatory by nature, the sooner we'll be able to evolve spiritually and discover and fulfill our purpose on this earth. . Will Tuttle
The carnistic schema, which twists information so that nonsense seems to make perfect sense, also explains why we fail to see the absurdities of the system. Consider, for instance, advertising campaigns in which a pig dances joyfully over the fire pit where he or she is to be barbecued, or chickens wear aprons while beseeching the viewer to eat them. And consider the Veterinarian's Oath of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 'I solemnly swear to use my..skills for the..relief of animal suffering, ' in light of the fact that the vast majority of veterinarians eat animals simply because they like the way meat tastes. Or think about how poeple won't replace their hamburgers with veggie burgers, even if the flavor is identical, because they claim that, if they try hard enough, they can detect a subtle difference in texture. Only when we deconstruct the carnistic schema can we see the absurdity of placing our preference for a flawless re-creation of a textural norm over the lives and deaths of billions of others. Melanie Joy