9 Quotes About Duck

"Duck" is the common abbreviation of the expression "duck out" or "duck under." It's a slang expression used to describe an action of taking cover while being exposed to danger, usually during an attack or during an emergency. The expression "duck out" is used in various situations, such as when taking cover behind something that will offer safety from the enemy during war. It is also used to refer to avoiding a situation that is dangerous. Another usages is to escape from the police.

I like ducks." Jem observed diplomatically. "Esspecially the ones in Hyde Park." He glanced side ways at Will; both boys were sitting at the edge of a high table, thier legs dangling over the side. "Remember when you tried to convince me to feed pultry pie the the mallards in the park to see if you couls breed a race of cannibal ducks?"" They ate it too, " Will reminisced. "Bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck. Cassandra Clare
If you are stealing people's thunder just by being around and standing there; you really can't expect people to like you. People want their own thunder to be heard loud and wide, not yours! Swans should never despair over ducks not liking them. C. Joybell C.
Food, " I suggested. "Sleep. That's what I need. To get the hell away from here." Cole frowned at me, as if I'd suggested "ducks" and "yoga". Maggie Stiefvater
Tessa touched his wrist lightly with her hand. "Be brave, " she said. "It's not a duck, is it? Cassandra Clare
It doesn't matter if you're born in a duck yard, so long as you are hatched from a swan's egg! Hans Christian Andersen
The first rule of snooping is to come at it sideways--when you began writing me dizzy letters about Alexander, I didn't ask if you were in love with him, I asked what his favorite animal was. And your answer told me everything I needed to know about him--how many men would admit that they loved ducks? Annie Barrows
I waited for him to come out. He didn't. I considered going in after him, but knew the fact that I had readied myself to kill him did not mean that he had readied himself to die. Derrick Jensen
You cannot find comfort in ducks. Stoop to look into those beady brown eyes, and they will tell you no Virginia Graham