11 Quotes About Discord

Discord is a word that means many things. It can be positive or negative, depending on the context in which it is used. Synonyms include argument, dispute, struggle, contention, argumentation, disagreement, debate, argumentation, altercation, quarrel, brouhaha, and controversy. When used to describe events in the natural world discord is defined as “the sound made by two or more people not agreeing”.

If the surprise outcome of the recent UK referendum - on whether to leave or remain in the European Union - teaches us anything, it is that supposedly worthy displays of democracy in action can actually do more harm than good. Witness a nation now more divided; an intergenerational schism in the making; both a governing and opposition party torn to shreds from the inside; infinitely more complex issues raised than satisfactory solutions provided. It begs the question 'Was it really all worth it' ? . Alex Morritt
Discord on one level is harmony on another
Discord on one level is harmony on another Alan W. Watts
What tale do you like best to hear?' 'Oh, I have not much choice! They generally run on the same theme - courtship; and promise to end in the same catastrophe - marriage. Unknown
Out of clutter, find simplicity. Albert Einstein
The enemy stays in the hearts of friends. Watch what your friends know about you and watch what you tell your friends, remember, egoism breeds jealousy and ends a relationship in discord. Michael Bassey Johnson
You may think that you are well, but you will not secure health until you think thoughts that produce health. You may persistently affirm that you are well, but so long as you live in discord, confusion, worry, fear and other wrong states of mind, you will be sick; that is, you will be as you think and not what you think you are. You may state health in your thought, but if you give worry, fear and discord to that thought, your thinking will produce discord. It is not what we state in our thoughts, but what we give to our thoughts that determine results. . Christian D. Larson
A person who finds grace never lacks the courage to endure, remain resolute in principles and action in the face of an easy collapse into anger, insanity, and self-destruction when living in an increasing chaotic world filled with armed conflict, terrorism, and cultural discord. Kilroy J. Oldster
You're a poem?' I repeated. She chewed her lower lip. 'If you want. I am a poem, or I am a pattern, or a race of people whose whose world was swallowed by the sea.'' Isn't it hard to be three things at the same time?'' What's your name?'' Enn.'' So you are Enn, ' she said. 'And you are a male. And you are a biped. Is it hard to be three things at the same time? Neil Gaiman
The hordes of demonic activity at times can take advantage of those who are wounded by others in the body of Christ. When we allow any hurt we can be used of the enemy to sow discord into God's work and His body. Greg Gordon
Most of us want to be authentic. Yet, we are not who we think we are. We are made up of a rich array of facets and possibilities, many of which we ignore because we label them as “bad”. We create a cardboard cutout image of ourselves to look good to others. The discord between who we are and the image we have to live up to slowly kills our aliveness. When we suppress parts of ourselves, it lowers our mojo, sense of fulfillment, leadership effectiveness and impact in the workplace. Henna Inam