9 Quotes About Cursing

Bad language is something that many people are sensitive about. However, it is used in many different situations where it is necessary to express one’s anger or frustration, or even to make a joke. Here are some of the best quotes about swearing.

I stared up at the sky and raised my middle...
I stared up at the sky and raised my middle finger, just in case God was watching. I don't like being spied on. Annabel Pitcher
I gave up on cussing - I'd run out of words filthy enough - and just started praying. Sarah Monette
Keep driving, " said a soft voice in my ear. "She will not bite if you keep driving." Fuck that. Fuck that idea like the fucking Captain of the Thai Fuck Team fucking at the fucking Tour de Fuck. David Wong
Never use a big word when a little filthy one will do. Johnny Carson
That’s when I have to ask him. “Can you really talk like that? Being holy and all?”“ What? Because I’m a priest?” He finishes the dregs of his coffee. “Sure. God knows what’s important. Markus Zusak
I think, generally speaking, that children have a knack for picking up curse words. Having said that, my brother and I (although admittedly, it was I who displayed a higher level of fluency) took to cursing like frogs take to jumping. Mind you, we received excellent tutoring along the way. J.P. Sexton
The air in my home is heavy with my mom's unhappiness. And her exhaustion. And her sheer dissatisfaction with her life. And I hate it. I can be up in my room when she's in the kitchen below and I feel her despair seeping up through the floorboards. You can hear her banging pots and pans or cursing the vacuum cleaner Laura Buzo
When I finally did confront Mr. Arcott, after my return to Falchester, he had the cheek to try and argue that his intellectual thievery had been a compliment and a favor. After all, it meant my work was good enough to be accepted into ibn Khattusi's series -- but of course they never would have taken a submission from a woman, so he submitted it on my behalf. What I said in reply is not fit to be printed here, as by then I had spent a good deal of time in the company of sailors, and had at my disposal a vocabulary not commonly available to ladies of quality. . Marie Brennan