6 Quotes About Crystal

Crystal healing is a system of spiritual healing and energy work that uses crystals and gemstones to tap into the natural energies of the earth, especially the energy grid that surrounds us. Crystals are used to clear and balance chakras (energy centers), focus and direct energies, and bring balance to the energy systems in the body. When we start using crystals for healing, we can help ourselves and others by clearing negativity, balancing emotions, clearing stress, stimulating growth and development, enhancing intuition, opening our hearts and minds to new ideas and possibilities, and promoting overall health and well-being.

I wish to stay drenchedforeverin those rain-blue eyesin those...soul-reaching crystalsnot moving a musclenor breathingjustsavoringthis turquoise acheagainst my heart. Sanober Khan
I believe in kindness and karma–which could make me a Buddhist. I believe in mystic healing and crystals’ powers–which could make me a witch. I believe in truth, honor, and forgiveness–which could make me a Christian. I even believe in the existence of past lives and that each and every one of us is watched over by guides from the other side–which, to some, would make me totally woo-woo squared. . Emma Mildon
Sometimes I can see colour without opening my eyes. I saw that Billy's heart was no colour and every colour. Like water or diamonds or crystals, it's pure and reflects the light. Glenda Millard
I am copacetic with leaning on the sacred, but I need to make sure all the mundane bases are covered before we break out the crystals and incense for a good chant. Thomm Quackenbush
Wind blew snow crystals back and forth between the graves. The ancient pines creaked overhead. Mike Bond