3 Quotes About Cow

Cows are a social species, a group of animals who live in a large group and eat grasses or other plants. They are herbivores which means they eat grasses, stems, and leaves. Cows provide milk for humans as well as being used as a source of meat. They have been domesticated for over 7,000 years. And just as you would not want to spend all day with your friends, each cow has the same amount of friends as you do. Most cows have around 20-30 friends and acquaintances, who can spend time together playing, grazing and being alone Read more

The cow friends may fall out from time to time but a new group forms soon after. These groups tend to be larger than the average herd so it's best to treat each friend with equality and give them their own personal space. You should also avoid saying "cow" everytime you see one out on their own or you will end up giving them anxiety and stress.

Gwynned lies two days westwards; still further south, the weregeld...
Gwynned lies two days westwards; still further south, the weregeld calls. Mayhap with All-Father Woden's favour, my deeds may yet inspire the skalds. George Gordon Byron
A cow's heaven is a flower's idea of hell. Oliver Gaspirtz