3 Quotes About Courtier

From courtiers to royals, notable people have always been surrounded by an ever-present air of pomp. We’ve compiled the best courtier quotes for you to know, love, and live by. There are so many important things to learn about being a good courtier, but it all revolves around being kind and helpful to others. As you read through our collection of courtier quotes below, see if you can apply them to your own life today.

There be also many wicked men that have the comeliness of a beautiful countenance, and it seemeth that nature hath so shaped them because they may be the readier to deceive, and that this amiable look were like a bait that covereth the hook. Thomas Hoby
Then the soul, freed from vice, purged by studies of true philosophy, versed in spiritual life, and practised in matters of the intellect, devoted to the contemplation of her own substance, as if awakened from deepest sleep, opens those eyes which all possess but few use, and sees in herself a ray of that light which is the true image of the angelic beauty communicated to her, and of which she then communicates a faint shadow to the body. Baldassarre Castiglione