43 Quotes About Reaper

There are many ways to die in life. But death is not the end of life, it’s the end of one life, and the beginning of another. Death is not an ending, but a new beginning. Death is not the end, it’s just a new beginning Read more

Death is not an ending, but a new beginning. Death is just a new beginning. Death is just a new beginning.

Death is just a new beginning. Death is just a new beginning. Death is just a new beginning.

Death is just a new beginning. Death is just a new beginning. Death is just a new beginning.

Over the years I have felt many things leave me. People do not change, but yet somehow time alters everything. As the years roll on people are not quite as forgiving, nor quite as kind, hopeful, loving. Ross Turner
Marcii hoped she was wrong, though she knew the odds...
Marcii hoped she was wrong, though she knew the odds were slim. Still, in the face of everything, there is always hope. Ross Turner
Can’t clean up after you anymore, baby brother, so don’t punk out. Make it count. Rachel Vincent
The reaper does not listen to the harvest.
The reaper does not listen to the harvest. Terry Pratchett
If there was one advantage of the numerous lifetimes he’d...
If there was one advantage of the numerous lifetimes he’d been forced to endure, it was undoubtedly knowledge. Ross Turner
Time will teach you more lessons than I ever can.
Time will teach you more lessons than I ever can. Ross Turner
She hoped Alistair would prove to be more than she...
She hoped Alistair would prove to be more than she imagined. But, unfortunately, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that people weren’t what they once were. Ross Turner
Wherever man did not settle, the world was not owned....
Wherever man did not settle, the world was not owned. It was not wanted. In time of course this was bound to change, for there is never enough it seems. Ross Turner
You become a changed person when you face the reaper...
You become a changed person when you face the reaper and deny him your soul. Martha Sweeney
If beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder,...
If beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, then surely I would have to had been blind to not see it in her. Ross Turner
True beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
True beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Ross Turner
I might not have been so young, but age alone doesn’t necessarily make you less foolish. Ross Turner
Our pasts haunt us all. I regaled my beautiful audience of one with the tale of my life, not so much for entertainment, but for bold, barefaced, honest truth. Ross Turner
Better he think me rude than not think at all. Ross Turner
Regardless of my age, such a trivial thing isn’t important, it was upon that decision which my life hung. Ross Turner
I awoke with an insatiable desire to end my life. Ross Turner
And so life went on, as it always will. It had taken an awful lot to get there, for no victory comes without hardship and sacrifice. But then, those whom we hold so dear, that we fight so hard to protect, and suffer so greatly for, are always worth it in the end. Ross Turner
The decision of their fates lay elsewhere, and the thought of that alone was utterly terrifying. Ross Turner
It is a very difficult thing, to love another. To some it comes easily, naturally even. Whilst for others, the road to such things is long and arduous and fraught with danger. Ross Turner
It is often said that things must get worse before they can get better, and there is truth in that. Ross Turner
Death, child. It’s beckoning us both, my brother and I. Ross Turner
Cruelty had been his weapon. But such a tool is dangerous and can spread further than you intend. Ross Turner
He stood taller, and straighter, and broader, and infinitely more human than anything else Marcii could possibly imagine. Ross Turner
He was like nothing she’d ever known. Marcii hoped she would come to know him, for he was all she could ever have asked for and more. Ross Turner
And yet the night was still fresh: young as new dawn. There was still time for worlds to change, if that was to be their fate. Ross Turner
She has no interest in human quarrels, for they are often petty and always pointless. Ross Turner
Just because he was not a monster did not mean he wouldn’t be treated as one. Ross Turner
If this was what it meant to be human, for now she saw more clearly than she ever had done, she didn’t want to be. Ross Turner
Love is the only emotion so unexplainable and unique, that not even the greatest of writers could hope to contain it within their meagre words. Ross Turner
Erith, " he said and bowed his head. Her blue-black hair hung to her hips in soft waves. Donna Grant
Go.” Granmare pointed at the door. “Let me work in peace.” Balthazar didn’t look back when he left.“ Now, my dear, ” the witch turned to her, “let me give you what that foolish boy paid for.”“ He’s not foolish, ” Arianne said. For giving a drop of his blood, the least she could do was defend the annoying oaf. “He’s going out of his way to help me, so if there’s anyone foolish here it’s me.”“ My, my, my.” Granmare Baba gasped, spreading her hand at the center of her chest. “You have a mouth on you. I will so enjoy watching what happens to you when the time comes.” A chill went down Arianne’s back. She’d almost been afraid to ask, “What do you mean?” Granmare Baba only smiled her yellow toothy smile before she went about putting things together in a large cauldron that seemed to have magically appeared in the center of the round room. . Kate Evangelista
We do things we’re not proud of. Nikolas more than most. Kate Evangelista
It was just the way he was made. Ross Turner
Only what you choose is what makes you. Ross Turner
The truth is often of no consequence. Ross Turner
I stepped out and the sun was shining. And the birds were chirping. It was the nicest day we'd had in ages. A couple of bunnies scampering about. It could have been the start of a Disney flick. Donna Augustine
You don’t fuck with fate, Oz, because she’ll ass-rape you with no lube, wearing a spiked dildo. Katrina Monroe
We must understand that the sower and the reaper at the end shall both rejoice Sunday Adelaja
Protect that girl, Balthazar. She is an innocent in all of this.”“ Why does she want Nikolas to gain his humanity?”“ She believes they are in love.” The absurdity of D’s words hit Balthazar square in the gut. He would have doubled over if he didn’t find the reason pathetic. Thankfully, he managed to keep the laughter in his head.“ Love? Nikolas? Kate Evangelista
A demonic reaper asked to be my valentine and then killed his crazy ex-girlfriend to save my life. Tomorrow I was starting up antipsychotic meds. Courtney Allison Moulton
The mind is filled with thoughts, but the heart is filled with wishes, and they have since the beginning of time been the core of all folklore. Ross Turner
I was the Reaper and he was the Ghost, and his soul was long overdue for collection Quil Carter