5 Quotes About Coping Mechanism

Coping mechanisms are the strategies that help us manage everyday stresses. They are often simple, automatic actions that help us get through difficult situations. Coping mechanisms are important because there are times when they save us from feeling overwhelmed, but they can also become a crutch that keeps us from taking action to improve our lives. If you struggle with developing coping mechanisms or have used one for too long, Flip That Script can help you discover new ways to cope Read more

Check out this collection of coping mechanism quotes to see how they can be used constructively in your life.

I lock all my scaredness down in my stomach until...
I lock all my scaredness down in my stomach until the fear hardens into something I hardly notice. I myself harden into a person that I hardly notice. Mary Karr
I think now that this obsession with identifying racism, which I saw so often among Somalis too, was really a comfort mechanism, to keep people from feeling personally inadequate and to externalize the causes of their unhappiness. Ayaan Hirsi Ali
It registers that I am sitting there topless, but this body I am in doesn't feel like mine anymore so the half-nakedness seems irrelevant, like a rumor, something I'm supposed to care about but don't. Unknown
They feel guilty for having survived so they pretend the bad things never happened Exodus (1960) screenplay Dalton Trumbo