8 Quotes About Confusing

It’s difficult to find exactly the right words to say when you’re confused. Confusion is a feeling that you’re not sure what to do or how to act. You might feel like you’re in the dark when it comes to life, love, or even making your way in the world. And when it feels like there are no answers (and sometimes there aren’t), it can be difficult to change things for the better Read more

But no matter how confusing or stressful times get, you can always find comfort in these collection of quotes about confusion.

Doubts are good. Confusion is excellent. Questions are awesome. All these are attempts to expand the wisdom of mind. Manoj Arora
Don't confuse love with the fear of being lonely...
Don't confuse love with the fear of being lonely... Erik Tanghe
I seem to be torn between 'I wish we'd met...
I seem to be torn between 'I wish we'd met earlier' and 'I wish we'd never met'. Ahmed Mostafa
...You won't even see what is put right on the table before you. Men. If it was raining soup you'd be out there with a fork. Robin Hobb
There is no record in Scripture that an angel visited John’s cell to explain the meaning of his persecution. This great, godly man who was the designated forerunner to Jesus went through the same confusing experiences as we. It is comforting to know that John responded in a very human way. He sent a secret message to Jesus from his prison cell, asking “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” (Matthew 11:3). Have you ever felt like asking that question? . James C. Dobson
If you don’t understand something clearly that you are being taught…speak up. If you feel something is confusing or you are unsure of exactly what to do…ask about it. If you need clarification or something repeated to make sure you got it…request it. If you feel lost, forgot something, or feel like you are falling behind…bring it up. Nodding your head, saying “yeah, yeah” and pretending to know things you don’t is right up there with one of the worst things you can do when you hire some one to help you and your career. Loren Weisman
Space has always been confusing to politics. P. J. ORourke