18 Quotes About Complication

No matter how happy and successful we may be, we can never escape the complications of life. We all have our own unique challenges and problems that we must face and overcome. And while it’s tempting to focus on the negatives, we must learn to embrace the positives and get through any struggles we encounter. These complications quotes remind us to take a step back and realize there is more good than bad in our lives.

Le vrai est trop simple, il faut y arriver toujours par le compliqué."[ Letter to Armand Barbès, 12 May 1867] George Sand
People want things to be complicated, but they have to...
People want things to be complicated, but they have to love themselves first and then each other and then it will seed everywhere Elizabeth TaylorWey
History as well as life itself is complicated -- neither life nor history is an enterprise for those who seek simplicity and consistency. Jared Diamond
Why was he drawn to complicated women, or were all women--all people, finally--complicated? Stewart Onan
I, myself, love complications and mystery which I didn't notice that I had become one. Unknown
I need some space."" Because of my past?"" No, because of mine. When I'm around you I feel like I'm falling. I need to stop before I smash into the ground."" Are you always so honest?"" No. Mostly I'm a liar like you. Anna McPartlin
She remained silent. There was nothing left to say. He'd said it all the night before. He had to end it. He could never leave his wife. And, in fact, she had known this. Although she loved him - and truly she did - he wasn't hers. He belonged to his wife. She'd earned him. It didn't matter that he was her first love or that she was his passion. It didn't matter that they had loved one another for more than half their lives. It didn't matter that he had married his wife on the rebound. It didn't matter that he didn't love the woman. It didn't even matter that they had turned into some soap-opera cliche. He was married to someone else and that meant that she was leftovers and destined to remain on the periphery in the shadow of another woman's marriage. But no more. She was well and truly sick of it.  . Anna McPartlin
You selfish bitch! " She had known for a long time that putting her needs above those of Adam's wife and children was indeed selfish. She had no real answer to the accusation thrown at her." I'm sorry" she said, with her head in her hands."you're sorry?" came her adversary's disbelieving reply." I am. I'm sorry he married you when he was in love with me. I'm sorry I couldn't have loved someone else. I'm sorry your marriage is a joke and I'm sorry that I'm alone. I'm sorry for a lot of things - for you, for your kids, for me and for him. I spend most of my time being sorry." For a moment there was silence at the end of the line."all you had to do was stay away""if only I could have." tears escaped and raced down her cheeks." I hate you!. Anna McPartlin
I thought he'd pick me, I know he has kids, but when it came down to it, I really thought he'd pick me." Tears rolled down her face and her nose ran. She sniffed." I know I'm selfish"" You're human"" I wanted him to abandon his children Anna McPartlin
There are no snares more dangerous than those which lurk under the guise of duty or the name of relationship. Marcus Tullius Cicero
He's completely complicated. And lost. And frustrating. But we do something for each other.. .. We fit. We need each other. Megan Erickson
We get most of our energy from complications. Imraan Coovadia
Sierra couldn’t afford complications, not in her position, but the way he flirted with her and teased had amped her touch hunger to a deafening roar. Katherine McIntyre
Staying married to one person was boring. She figured she was too complicated for that. Interesting people had complicated lives. Maureen F. McHugh
Rain didn't make things messy. People did that all on their own. Barbara Delinsky
Her stomach lurches. She fancies him sooo much - she is powerless to resist. How can she possibly? She knows it's wrong: he has a girlfriend - he lives with her, for goodness' sake - and what they're doing is unfair, cruel. She is not sure what he's said to his girlfriend to wangle a night away and she doesn't want to know. She would hate it if it was done to her - she has never seen herself as the kind of girl who would steal another woman's man. She and Anna have always been most disapproving about women who do that, arguing through college and beyond that there are plenty of available men out there, that it is quite unnecessary to go for those already spoken for. But she has liked Simon since day one, and he is the one who initiated this whole thing. He is the one who blew her away with a clandestine kiss just a week ago, who asked if he could come back and stay at hers afterwards; he is the one who doubtless made unconvincing excuses when he returned home the next day. And it only took that single night to open this Pandora's box of mutual passion, being together was far, far better than it should have been, were it only a one-night stand. Karen senses that he really likes her. . Sarah Rayner
Over complication only confuses the essence of things. Steven Redhead