14 Quotes About Christianity

We live in a world that constantly tells us we’re not enough. And while this is something we all encounter at some point, it can be difficult to overcome when we’re surrounded by such a harsh and unyielding society. It’s important to remember that we don’t have to accept what society tells us. We can stand up for what we believe in and refuse to let others define who we are and what we should do with our lives Read more

The best quotes about Christianity will inspire you to follow your own path and enrich your life in the process.

Don't let God be the co-author of your life.
Don't let God be the co-author of your life. Stephanie Faith
God is not Christian.God is not Muslim.God is not Buddhist.God...
God is not Christian.God is not Muslim.God is not Buddhist.God is love. Matshona Dhliwayo
If Noah waited for signs of rain to build an...
If Noah waited for signs of rain to build an ark, he would have been swept away by the flood. Matshona Dhliwayo
The Church has carried out some of the most inhuman and above all un- Christian acts of human history, yet, it is still gloriously hailed by the majority of human population as to be synonymous with Jesus Christ. Abhijit Naskar
Say, you teach a five year old child a few verses from the Bible. And after memorizing them, he will become a part scholar in Christian theology. But that won’t make him realize what Jesus actually meant when he said 'love thy neighbor'. Abhijit Naskar
God might not be dead, but he's sure as hell...
God might not be dead, but he's sure as hell missing in action. Quentin R. Bufogle
We are God's chosen people. We are God's treasured possession. Let us rise in mighty strength to possess our rightful places as God's children. Lailah Gifty Akita
Be like the sun; warm to everyone, even your enemies. Matshona Dhliwayo
If you point to paradise, all the shortsighted will see is your finger. Matshona Dhliwayo
You have to fight great battles to guard your mind, extraordinary battles to protect your heart, and remarkable battles to defend your soul. Matshona Dhliwayo
Private prayers are the catalyst for public miracles. Matshona Dhliwayo
Pray for your needs, not your greed. Matshona Dhliwayo
When God looks in the mirror He sees love. Matshona Dhliwayo