6 Quotes About Cate

No matter how much you know, how much you have, or how much you’ve accomplished, there’s always room for improvement. That’s why it’s important to learn from others who have had more experience in your field or learned more through hard work than you have. These quotes about learning are perfect for anyone who is looking for some inspiration, guidance, or just a good laugh.

There is darkness in light, there is pain in joy,...
There is darkness in light, there is pain in joy, and there are thorns on the rose. Cate Tiernan
We don't get to choose who we love. Or stop loving them when they're difficult. Jessica Spotswood
I feel us tilting toward each other like trees in a strong breeze. I've been craving the sight of him for days, but now its not enough. I'm not sure who moves first. The inches between us are erased until I'm in his arms and my mouth finds his. Jessica Spotswood
If she's not alright, I'm going to rip out his heart and eat it." I nodded. "You really shouldn't eat raw meat, " Chubs said. Alexandra Bracken
From my vantage point I can see the back of his neck flush pink beneath his collar. He's got freckles there, too. I wonder how many more freckle's he's got. Are they all over, or just where the sun's touched? Good Lord, why am I thinking of Finn Belastra without his clothes on? Jessica Spotswood