12 Quotes About Buried

You may have heard that it's all about getting up. Stop there, though. If you want to be exceptional, you must dig deeper than just getting up. These buried quotes will help you find out what lies beyond the surface Read more

Dig deep and find the potential within!

The fact that you have just buried your parent or parents and/or sibling or siblings does not make you less likely to die today. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The dead are immune from our prison of Time. The distance between the living and dead may be vast, but the space of Time the dead experience when they are reunited with their loved ones is only paper-thin. Suzy Kassem
The harbour of influence is richer in the cemeteries where people are buried with their music on their tongues unsung. Don't leave your potentials untouched! Israelmore Ayivor
Two things I ask of my God today. That my faith be hoisted high like a kite up in the sky and my fear be buried deeply like a carcass into the soil. Israelmore Ayivor
I was beginning to agree with the thesis that some truths were better off dead. And buried. Simona Panova
I have lost you, my brother And your death has ended The spring season Of my happiness, our house is buried with you And buried the laughter that you taught me. There are no thoughts of love nor of poems In my head Since you died. Catullus
At the very point that I’ve taken something for granted, I have at that same moment taken it to its grave. And if I look around, I realize I’ve cultivated quite a cemetery. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Every hurt buried deepin the mindhas an uncanny abilityto surface and make its presence feltwhen I am feeling low, hugging me like a long lost friend Vijaya Gowrisankar
We are all Dead, just not yet buried. Brandon Notch
I could be blindfolded and dropped into the deepest ocean and I would know where to find you. I could be buried a hundred miles underground and I would know where you are. Neil Gaiman
I buried Joel on our 48th anniversary. I had been with her since I was 16. Aaron Neville