4 Quotes About Breathe Out

Learning to breathe is the foundation of all yoga and meditation practices. When we are anxious or stressed, we tend to hold our breath and take shallow, rapid breaths that do not fill our lungs and oxygenate the blood. When we breathe deeply and slowly, we can feel our bodies relax and come into balance. Deep breathing also promotes a sense of mental clarity and emotional balance Read more

This collection of wise yoga quotes about breathing will inspire you to slow down and focus on your own inner peace.

Breathe in, take what life hands you; hold it, accept...
Breathe in, take what life hands you; hold it, accept it; breathe out, let it go. Susan Gable
Breathe out unwanted thoughts with your exhale and re-focus your attention directly on what is important right now, at this moment. Amit Ray
The moment you breathe your first breath, you won. J.R. Rim