6 Quotes About Be-Prepared

Don't rush in order to have things done early. Be prepared before you set off. That's the rule. However, this does not mean that you keep delaying the time for beginning. You must begin by all means! Go, get prepared! Israelmore Ayivor
Change comes with sacrifice... When you want to make a change you must be prepared to make a sacrifice of escaping the comfort zone! Israelmore Ayivor
In your goals to go the extra mile, prepare to pay an extra cost. Excellence is to be exceptional, surpassing, more competent and a step ahead with what is in your hands. Israelmore Ayivor
It doesn't matter if I'm only to be gone four days, as in this case; I take six months' supply of reading material everywhere. Anyone who needs further explication of this eccentricity can find it usefully set out in the first pages of W. Somerset Maugham's story "The Book-Bag. Robin McKinley
If an angry bull is running toward you, and your pants become wet despite holding the red cloth, make sure the other side of the cloth is white. Waheed Ibne Musa