46 Quotes About Bali

Bali is most famous for its beaches, temples, and exotic culture. But the people of Bali are also known for their kindness and traditional beliefs. There are some very wise and inspirational quotes about life and living in Bali. These Balinese sayings tell us that we must always do the right thing, be good to others, and live in harmony with nature.

Linda Heavner Gerald received a silver medal for Fiction from...
Linda Heavner Gerald received a silver medal for Fiction from FAPA (Florida Authors and Publishers Association) Linda Heavner Gerald
Besides the pain in my gut, why shouldn't I laugh? I've almost escaped death in a foreign country. S.A. Tawks
Don't get me wrong, she was an attractive girl, but the last thing she needed was to get mixed up with me. S.A. Tawks
The day, like all good days, passed far too quickly. S.A. Tawks
She's happy to be home but being home means that it's an end to her adventure and escape. S.A. Tawks
Our bags will be light because it's the best way to travel. S.A. Tawks
I'd gotten on the piss and it had kicked me the fuck off. Hard. S.A. Tawks
Besides, if it was the wrong choice, what difference was one more bad decision going to make? S.A. Tawks
Your choices can only be limited by your mind. S.A. Tawks
Don't just hope, dear. Plan and do. Only reserve hope for the things you cannot control. S.A. Tawks
Living the rest of my life in Kerobokan, waiting to die, was what I had in front of me. S.A. Tawks
You need a break every once in a while to enjoy the everyday and you need the everyday to enjoy the break you take every once in a while. S.A. Tawks
Reassuring thoughts have a funny way of getting stuck on repeat. Then you wake up one day and you can't remember where you put the last thirty years of your life. S.A. Tawks
However, with a gut full of heroin, it's hard to be an optimist. S.A. Tawks
Can't get myself down by thinking about what could have been, right? S.A. Tawks
I'd gotten high enough to fly through time. S.A. Tawks
I figured this guy was a fair dinkum Australian. The type of guy that worked the land all day, cracked open a beer or two at night and called girls 'sheilas'. S.A. Tawks
That's one of those questions that you think of a better answer for five minutes after you've answered it. S.A. Tawks
I figured, what harm could come from a little bit of fun? Crabs. The Canadian girl gave me crabs. S.A. Tawks
I figured that maybe he was only hanging around for the tea and tobacco and when one ran out, so would he. S.A. Tawks
Sure, I might not be someone to look up to, but you're no role model either. S.A. Tawks
What's inside is none of your business. Your business is getting it for him and getting it to him. S.A. Tawks
Your choice is your choice and you need to accept what happens, not shift the blame to someone else if it doesn't turn out your way. S.A. Tawks
I don't make people smoke pot or meth, snort coke, put pills or tabs in their mouths or shoot themselves up with heroin. I just transport the stuff. S.A. Tawks
I'm not a hero, though. I'm just a man. S.A. Tawks
It'll be the biggest decision of my life. Knowing me, I'll probably make the wrong choice. S.A. Tawks
Anxiety's already tingling my skin. S.A. Tawks
A donation to the police officer's back pocket should have you on your way without a problem. S.A. Tawks
Appreciate the negatives. Because the negatives are what you learn from to make more positives. S.A. Tawks
Yeah, " I said because it led to more options than 'no'. S.A. Tawks
Do you want me to call the internet police for you? S.A. Tawks
Natural art is the most amazing form of art there is. S.A. Tawks
In my defence, I did like my ex until she cheated on me. I just thought the feeling was love. S.A. Tawks
Staying out all night and sleeping most of the day is quite a drain on the wallet. S.A. Tawks
My old ways were much more appealing than my new ways. S.A. Tawks
When you're in the safety of the future, the past doesn't seem so relevant. S.A. Tawks
I was far too nervous to be concerned about contributing to the conversations. S.A. Tawks
I also smoked two cigarettes, which was pretty good considering I could have smoked five if I'd really tried. S.A. Tawks
You'll be making so much cash that you won't know what to waste it on. S.A. Tawks
My biggest problem is that my flight is to depart from Denpasar International Airport in Indonesia, where the penalty for drug trafficking is death by firing squad. S.A. Tawks
If there's anything worse in this world than a bad batch of babi guling, it's hindsight. S.A. Tawks
He seemed like he was baiting me to ask, like he wanted me to know his troubles but wanted me to ask first. S.A. Tawks
I guess having one hundred and four condoms full of heroin in your guts and the thought of a firing squad in your head make will make most things seem insignificant. S.A. Tawks
By three in the afternoon, after one Bintang too many, I was absolutely smashed and feared that trying to stand may end badly. S.A. Tawks
Anyone can do the wrong thing if they really want to. S.A. Tawks