10 Quotes About Bad Day

Bad days don’t last forever, and neither do bad attitudes. Being positive all the time isn’t always possible, but the good news is that you don’t have to live in a negative state of mind forever. These bad-day quotes can help get your spirits up when you’re having a hard time.

A lonely day is God's way of saying that he...
A lonely day is God's way of saying that he wants to spend some quality time with you. Criss Jami
When you love life passionately, a cloud of beauty floats above, adding an array of wonders to even the worse of days. Avra Amar Filion
There would be no cloud-nine days without rock-bottom moments left below. Richelle E. Goodrich
Our worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. Jerry Bridges
It's one of those dumb days where nothing's really wrong but nothing's really right either and the sky can't even choose to be white or gray. Andrea Portes
Sail through the good days, and on bad days pick a spot of blue sky to steer toward. Richelle E. Goodrich
A day is a day. It’s just a measurement of time. Whether it’s a good day or a bad day is up to you. It’s all a matter of perception. Donald L. Hicks
On bad days you wonder, ‘Why not just back off from the war and lead a quiet metalife? David Mitchell
Some days you get up and you already know that things aren't going to go well. They're the type of days when you should just give in, put your pajamas back on, make some hot chocolate and read comic books in bed with the covers up until the world looks more encouraging. Of course, they never let you do that. Bill Watterson