4 Quotes About Appendix

Appendix is a term used to describe the first few bones of the human body. Its main purpose is to develop and maintain the gastrointestinal tract and its musculature. It’s also known as the vermiform appendix, and it’s located about three inches (7.5 cm) inside the small intestine, just below the cecum. Learn more about this curious anatomical part with these great appendix quotes that will inspire you to look for more than just your food!

*Appendix usually means "small outgrowth from large intestine, " but in this case it means "additional information accompanying main text." Or are those really the same things? Think carefully before you insult this book. Pseudonymous Bosch
Even if we have a reliable criterion for detecting design, and even if that criterion tells us that biological systems are designed, it seems that determining a biological system to be designed is akin to shrugging our shoulders and saying God did it. The fear is that admitting design as an explanation will stifle scientific inquiry, that scientists will stop investigating difficult problems because they have a sufficient explanation al . William A. Dembski
Love is like the human appendix. You take it for granted while it's there, but when it's suddenly gone you're forced to endure horrible pain that can only be alleviated through drugs. Reverend Jen