5 Quotes About Ankitsamrat

We’ve compiled a list of inspirational, wise, and humorous ankitsamrat quotes that will help you get out of your slump and back on track. Ankitsamrat is a Hindi word meaning “a male friend who gives good advice.” If you’re looking for advice on how to get through a difficult time, this collection of ankitsamrat quotes will help point the way.

The highest religion of human is the identity for which...
The highest religion of human is the identity for which he is living rest is either one of the path or unnecessary fight. Ankit Samrat
In urge to modern don't slip much that you can't...
In urge to modern don't slip much that you can't find yourself someday & die in confusion or end up in doing rubbish. Fly but by realizing your root. Ankit Samrat
Don't wait for better Investment options, Invest and then wait...
Don't wait for better Investment options, Invest and then wait for better time. Ankit Samrat
Don't miss the beauty behind otherwise your whole race will...
Don't miss the beauty behind otherwise your whole race will end up with wasting time running on trademill. Ankit Samrat