28 Quotes About Agenda

An agenda is a list of things we want or need to accomplish. It can be used as a meeting minutes and kept by the person who organized the meeting and/or the meeting itself. The type of agenda you choose will depend on how formal and official you want your meetings to be. For example, if you are meeting with a client or employer to discuss a business matter, make sure you use an official-looking agenda Read more

If you are having a casual chat with friends, use a personal agenda as an informal reminder of who invited who and what was discussed.

I'm convinced that most men don't know what they believe, rather, they only know what they wish to believe. How many people blame God for man's atrocities, but wouldn't dream of imprisoning a mother for her son's crime? Criss Jami
A compass calibrated by my greed is a rather shrewd...
A compass calibrated by my greed is a rather shrewd way to legitimize my agenda. However, true north on a compass such as this is a straight line to the edge of a really big cliff. Craig D. Lounsbrough
The energy industry is filled with toxic people that are...
The energy industry is filled with toxic people that are following a corporate government subsidized known biologically toxic agenda. Steven Magee
Rise of Science DenialismThe problem is, in a world where some people (even in the USA, where someone like Donald Trump was allowed to rise to the level of a serious presidential candidate in 2016) have descended to such levels of ignorance that science itself is dismissed by leaders, political and religious as ‘an agenda’, and frightening numbers of people cling to ignorance and superstition because it suits their conservative anti-human rights views and objectives. Christina Engela
It is not blindly pushing your own agenda that will enrich the world. It’s is your ability and willingness to understand, appreciate, anticipate, address, serve and support the lives of others that will. Rasheed Ogunlaru
Leaders set the agenda for the future. Unknown
Like all great things which then become fashions, science, as now the universal stamp of approval, probably receives more abuse than any other field of study. Glaze the word itself over whatever vague ideology one may presume ratified, no matter the degree of pseudo-science or lack of scholarly credibility packaged within, and the many will consume it like gravy on a feast. My thought for the time is that as the promise of true science increases, so shall rise its many more superficial counterparts as provided by the agenda-bound trendies and hyper-ambitious laypersons to boot. Criss Jami
We don’t like death. We’d rather produce seeds another way. But death to ourselves, our agendas, our expectations, our hopes is necessary to find deep joy that comes when we fully relinquish ourselves to the gospel. Mary E. DeMuth
Because of the value placed on individual materialistic success in our society, we are surrounded by people primarily interested in getting something from others. Their attitudes are characterised by selfishness and a lack of empathy for others. Tim Crawshaw
With intimacy comes the possibility of “engulfment” or being taken hostage by the demands of others. We may have distorted perceptions of the “demands” and obligations placed upon us by those who claim to love us. Trusting that love to be unconditional is almost impossible for us, and we are always scanning for the unstated “subtext” or hidden “agenda” connected to this love. Mary Crocker Cook
If I am to choose between "sleeping" and "being part of a leadership that pursues irrelevant agenda", I will choose "sleeping". Chasing of irrelevant agenda by a leadership sect is what made Nelson Mandela to call it "Long Walk to Freedom! Israelmore Ayivor
Religious traditions and selfish agenda are laid aside when we are poor in spirit Sunday Adelaja
It's fallacious reasoning for the atheist to hate all religion due to men who manipulate religion to fit their own agendas. They are counterparts, therefore, if Truth is true, partners in crime. To believers, the atheist and the religiously corrupt boil down to the same person, the self-righteous: one denies Truth to fit his own agenda; the other manipulates Truth to fit his own agenda. Criss Jami
It is unclear if corporate governments are truly the dunces of human health or if they are just faking it in order to propagate a biologically toxic agenda on an unsuspecting global population. Steven Magee
Often people that tell others they are "extremely polite" when the situation calls for tact and bluntness are not actually polite people. Instead, they hide behind the word “polite” because they have low self esteem or hidden agendas. Sadly, they impolitely confuse the hell out of everyone, send mixed signals, which then makes people question their sanity and motives. Shannon L. Alder
Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction. Criss Jami
If I assume the ‘truth’ to be negotiable based on whether or not it serves my agenda, then my agenda has become my ‘truth.’ And the ‘truth’ of the matter is, when I do this I’ve chosen to take a treacherous path through some very deep woods where neither path nor woods exist. Craig D. Lounsbrough
The problem with a lot of nations, is that they keep trying to move forward with backward agendas. Unknown
We reflect God's character the most when we give freely of ourselves with no strings attached, no secret motives, no hidden agenda. Craig Groeschel
A man who loves others based solely on how they make him feel, or what they do for him, is really not loving others at all - but loving only himself. Criss Jami
The dog’s agenda is simple, fathomable, overt: I want. “I want to go out, come in, eat something, lie here, play with that, kiss you. There are no ulterior motives with a dog, no mind games, no second-guessing, no complicated negotiations or bargains, and no guilt trips or grudges if a request is denied. Caroline Knapp
If the truth gets in the way, I will remove it. But truth be told, removing the truth never removes the truth. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Mankind Needs To Fit Into God’s Agenda So As To Fulfill Purpose Sunday Adelaja
Typically, in politics, more than one horse is owned and managed by the same team in an election. There's always and extra candidate who will slightly mimic the views of their team's opposing horse, to cancel out that person by stealing their votes just so the main horse can win. Elections are puppet shows. Regardless of their rainbow coats and many smiles, the agenda is one and the same. Suzy Kassem
I'm a professional journalist. Making up lies to fit the facts - it's what we do. Andrew Klavan
Questions asked out of agenda threaten Questions asked out of authentic, loving inquiry unlock and liberate Choose. Dave Rudbarg
Time is a hard-hearted rebel, we cannot fight him or can we beg him to slow down, wait for us or stop, all we have to do is to obey his strict rules, follow him and run, he doesn't get tired, and we musn't get tired too. Michael Bassey Johnson