3 Quotes About Adrogyny

What happens when you mix looks, brains, and brawn? You get the beautiful creature that is the modern woman. With all the choices out there, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what type of woman you are. These quotes about adrogyny are sure to inspire your next mission to discover your inner goddess.

Some champions are born others are forged!
Some champions are born others are forged! Kierra C.T. Banks
Ben shook his head. Sitting down he asked, “So, you are Marty, right?” He got an incredulous look in response along with a cautious, “Yeah.”“You look way different dressed like that and without any make up on and stuff. Like a pretty guy almost, no offense.” Marty widened her eyes incredulously. “Umm..I have a confession here I obviously need to make. We're in public, so don't you dare punch me, or try to jump me later. I got witnesses who'll be able to verify I was here with you and that you threatened me.” Ben's brows furrowed. “What? Why would I do that?”“ Hello, my name is Marty.” Marty extended her hand across the table. “I'm a guy. Leona Windwalker