12 Quotes About Adoption Search

Adoption is a wonderful way to bring love into someone's life; however, it's not always simple. There are many steps that must be taken before you can bring home your new family member. Whether you're adopting from another country or domestically, here are some helpful adoption-search quotes to get you started!

Blood can help make family, but family often transcends blood.
Blood can help make family, but family often transcends blood. DaShanne Stokes
Discovering that I was adopted redefined my entire world, but...
Discovering that I was adopted redefined my entire world, but it taught me that who you are doesn't change. DaShanne Stokes
Being denied their original birth certificates isn't just a problem...
Being denied their original birth certificates isn't just a problem for adoptees. It's a social problem, requiring social change. DaShanne Stokes
What makes a family is neither the absence of tragedy nor the ability to hide from misfortune, but the courage to overcome it and, from that broken past, write a new beginning. Steve Pemberton
Adoptees deserve open records because deception and partial truths do not set us free. DaShanne Stokes
Adoption isn't just a childhood experience, it's a life-long experience. DaShanne Stokes
It's illegal to deny people their records due to race or gender. Adoptees deserve the same rights and protections. DaShanne Stokes
Destiny is not always preordained. Life is about making choices. Our lives are the sum of all the choices we make, the bridges we cross, and the ones we burn. Our souls cast long shadows over many people, even after we are gone. Fate, luck, and providence are the consequence of our freedom of choice, not the determinants. When justice is served by following our principles, making good decisions brings us inner peace. Judith Land
If you should choose to look at those files, you will have to live with the consequences of your choices while, at the same time, being mindful that these choices will not only effect you, but will also infect, sorry, I intended to say effect, our entire family. Donna K. Childree
Adoptee rights are everyone's rights, and they deserve to be protected. DaShanne Stokes
If the system were designed to protect adoptees, why do so many have to fight for their rights? DaShanne Stokes