3 Quotes About A Common Cause

People often say they want to make a difference, but they don’t know what to do about it. It’s important to make a difference, but not everyone is ready to take on that role. That doesn’t mean that their effort isn’t appreciated. Sometimes even the smallest of gestures will have a big impact on people’s lives Read more

For example, trying to raise awareness for an important cause can help bring people together, build camaraderie, and spread compassion. There are many ways you can start making a difference in the world today, so scroll down for some inspiring quotes about making a common cause with others today!

There are far more reasons for death than there are...
There are far more reasons for death than there are for life. Sergei Lukyanenko
A car's not the right place for showing off to a girl–the bed's the place for that. The consequences of a mistake there are more upsetting, but less tragic. Sergei Lukyanenko