Quotes From "Wedding Date For Hire" By Jennifer Shirk

When I take you in my arms, I wonder how on earth I ever survived without know what that felt like before I met you. Jennifer Shirk
Why do I feel the need to be polite? It was not good seeing him. It was torturous. I hope I can avoid him the rest of the night." " Maybe he'll trip and fall into the pool." " Ryan can't swim." " Then I'll push him into the pool. Jennifer Shirk
I've done a lot of stupid things because of my fear of taking a chance on someone. But the most stupid thing I ever did was push you away. Jennifer Shirk
She hesitated a moment then slipped her arm through his. "Just remember, I lead, you follow." " Okay, but when we're dancing at the wedding, I lead, you follow." She sighed dramatically. "I guess I can agree to that." He chuckled. "See? I have a feeling this the beginning of a beautiful fake relationship." She worried her bottom lip as they walked toward the kitchen together. "I'm sure glad one of us feels that way. Jennifer Shirk
His mom was more the rich pampered type whose version of natural childbirth meant giving birth without makeup. Jennifer Shirk
She'd hardly describe Trent as "cute." Adonis, stud-like, hottie McHot Hot, even pulchritudinous - all acceptable descriptions. Hardly just cute. Jennifer Shirk
Laird suffered second degree burns ...in the frank and beans area, if you know what I mean." Trent winced. That must have been one hell of a breakup. Jennifer Shirk
Maddie had seen commercials for Match Made Easy on TV. They seemed like a decent business and legit. She hoped. She prayed they weren't out of her price range. Not that it mattered - time was running out. She'd pay anything to prove to her family she wasn't cursed. Plus, Ryan would be there, most likely with that cheating blonde of his. She bet anything they'd both love to see her at her lowest point: jobless and dateless. Well, no one was going to feel sorry for her. Not her cousin and certainly not the best man, either. She'd show them all. And since she couldn't find a wedding date to her sister's wedding on her own, it looked as if she'd be forced to do the next best thing. Hire one. . Jennifer Shirk