Quotes From "Wake Of Vultures" By Lila Bowen

She was ugly, was all they'd told her. But she...
She was ugly, was all they'd told her. But she didn't find them beautiful, so what did it matter? Lila Bowen
Because a shadow was a thing that defined itself, and Nettie didn't have to fit anyone else's shape. Lila Bowen
Because you were raised by ignorant people. They taught you to use things before you understood them. To kill things before you recognized them. To hate things before you knew them. But you'll appreciate a thing better when you know where it comes from, when your hands know the shape of it. Lila Bowen
So not every person fits into the little rooms we build to hold them. There are infinite combinations of human and inhuman, male and female, brown and white. Lila Bowen