Quotes From "Tragic Sense Of Life" By Miguel De Unamuno

Yes, yes, I see it all! – an enormous social activity, a mighty civilization, a profuseness of science, of art, of industry, of morality, and afterwords, when we have filled the world with industrial marvels, with great factories, with roads, museums and libraries, we shall fall exhausted at the foot of it all, and it will subsist – for whom? Was man made for science or was science made for man? . Miguel De Unamuno
Man is said to be a reasoning animal. I do not know why he has not been defined as an affective or feeling animal. Perhaps that which differentiates him from other animals is feeling rather than reason. More often I have seen a cat reason than laugh or weep. Perhaps it weeps or laughs inwardly – but then perhaps, also inwardly, the crab resolves equations of the second degree. Miguel De Unamuno
A pedant who beheld Solon weeping for the death of a son said to him, ‘Why do you weep thus, if weeping avails nothing?’ And the sage answered him, ‘Precisely for that reason–because it does not avail. Miguel De Unamuno
Our life is a hope which is continually converting itself into memory and memory in its turn begets hope. Miguel De Unamuno