Quotes From "Things A Little Bird Told Me: Confessions Of The Creative Mind" By Biz Stone

Hell yeah! Twitter was proof that leaderless self-organizing systems could...
Hell yeah! Twitter was proof that leaderless self-organizing systems could be true agents of change. Biz Stone
At least half the job of CEO is communication - because of human nature. People fear what they don't know. If the board wasn't hearing that things were going well, they assumed that things must be going badly. Biz Stone
Once true passion hits you, you can recognize all the times in your life you were chasing the wrong dream. And after you've experienced that sustained fulfillment, you'll never want to settle for anything less. Biz Stone
Constraint inspires creativity Biz Stone
Trust your instincts, know what you want, and believe in your ability to achieve it. Rules and conventions are important for schools, businesses, and society in general, but you should never follow them blindly. Biz Stone
Fear in the absence of knowledge breeds irrationality. We should always seek knowledge, even in the face of fear. Biz Stone
Creativity is a renewable resource. Challenge yourself every day. Be as creative as you like, as often as you want, because you can never run out. Experience and curiosity drive us to make unexpected, offbeat connections. It is these nonlinear steps that often lead to the greatest work. Biz Stone
When you hand good people possibility, they do great things. Biz Stone
Even the simplest tools can empower people to do great things Biz Stone
If you make the opportunity. you'll be the first in the position to take advantage of it. Biz Stone
There's no such thing as a superhero, but together we can world in a new direction. Biz Stone