Quotes From "The Woman Who Died A Lot" By Jasper Fforde

Before, I suspected I might not amount to anything, and now I now I won't, so at least it takes away the wearisome burden of delusive hope Jasper Fforde
Though his death would not fill me with any sense of sadness, I would probably feel the loss. Even enemies are part of one. Jasper Fforde
All of everything came into existence simply because it wanted to be. The big bang wasn't so much a big bang as a hasty dash toward an opportunity to trade nothingness for somethingness. The main contributory factor to the entire universe was a momentary effect in need of a cause. Jasper Fforde
My only companion from the outside world during nineteen years of isolation has been my personal hatred of Thursday Next. It's kind of like the old me suddenly taking over, and I promised myself that this was how I would act if I ever saw you.' 'I have the same thing, but with Tom Stoppard, ' I said. 'You'd kill Tom Stoppard?' 'Not at all. I promised myself many years ago that I would throw myself at his feet and scream "I'm not worthy! " if I ever met him, so now if we're ever at the same party or something, I have to be at pains to avoid him. It would be undignified, you see–for him and for me. Jasper Fforde
I wasn't particularly worried; running is overrated anyway, and sport only makes you sweaty and smug and wears out the knees. Jasper Fforde