Quotes From "The White Box Club Handbook: Simple Tools For Career Transition" By Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Change is difficult, but it can be managed when you...
Change is difficult, but it can be managed when you stay aware of the power of your choices, even if it’s simply your attitude. Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
Expressing our feelings out loud, especially to someone else, can bring a sense of relief. There is power in proclamation. Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
With the increasing speed of business in today’s economy, transparency isn’t just desirable–it’s essential. Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
Knowing yourself means being aware of your potential and trusting that you are always growing into it. Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
Some of your most powerful intentions are born in your moments of greatest contrast. Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
Facing and embracing grief allows us to experience the shock, anger, disappointment, and other feelings that need to be processed before we can move through this transition. Michael Thomas Sunnarborg