Quotes From "The Revolving Door Of Life" By Alexander McCall Smith

Sociopaths are attracted to politics because the see it as a sphere in which you can be ruthless and step all over people. That fact that some politicians can tell such awful lies is another example of sociopathy. Sociopaths lie–they see nothing wrong with it. Alexander McCall Smith
..But I do like the idea of household gods--shall we get some? A set of little statues and bring the boys up to believe in them?"" I hope they believe in something, " said Elspeth. 'Imagaine believing in nothing at all--not even in love, or justice, or any of the things that can make people passionate."" Such as a country?" Elspeth thought about this. "I suppose there are lots of people who believe in Scotland. Or the European Union, for that matter. Their belief anables them to. . well, to talk about the future with enthusiasm. They don't like things as they are and they are convinced that things will be much improved once they are otherwise."" Well, why not?" asked Matthew."I didn't say there was any reason why not. I'm just commenting on that sort of belief. The trouble is that it might make discussion difficult. If somebody believes to strongly in one particular solution to the world's problems, then it may obscure the nuances. That's all I was saying." Elspeth paused. "They may not see that there are others who have a different view. You can love things in a whole lot of different ways, can't you?. Alexander McCall Smith
Shall I make you a cup of tea? He asked. It was the classic response to crisis practiced throughout these islands–in England, Scotland, and elsewhere. Emotional turmoil, danger, even disaster could be faced with far greater equanimity if the kettle was switched on. War has been declared! There’s been a major earthquake! The stock market has collapsed! Oh really? Let me put the kettle on…. Alexander McCall Smith
However she redefined herself, that part of one that made for the core of the self, that part that we think of as the ultimate, inner being–that was ineradicable Scottish. That part spoke with a Scottish voice; that part looked out through Scottish eyes; and it was that part that now welled within her as she gazed out through the window of the descending plane and saw below her the rolling Borders hills… . Alexander McCall Smith