Quotes From "The Penultimate Peril" By Lemony Snicket

Deciding whether or not to trust a person is like deciding whether or not to climb a tree because you might get a wonderful view from the highest branch or you might simply get covered in sap and for this reason many people choose to spend their time alone and indoors where it is harder to get a splinter. Lemony Snicket
I suppose I'll have to add the force of gravity...
I suppose I'll have to add the force of gravity to my list of enemies. Lemony Snicket
Neither were you [born yesterday], unless of course I am...
Neither were you [born yesterday], unless of course I am wrong, in which case welcome to the world, little baby, and congratulations on learning to read so early in life. Lemony Snicket
Some people think destiny is something you cannot escape, such as death or a curdled cheesecake, both of which always turn up sooner or later. Lemony Snicket
There are some who say that you should forgive everyone, even the people whohave disappointed you immeasurably. There are others who say you should not forgive anyone, and should stomp off in a huff no matter how many times they apologize. Of these two philosophies, the second one is of course much more fun, but it can also grow exhausting to stomp off in a huff every time someone has disappointed you, as everyone disappoints everyone eventually, and one can’t stomp off in a huff every minute of the day. Lemony Snicket
But the three siblings were not born yesterday. Violet was born more than fifteen years before this particular Wednesday, and Klaus was born approximately two years after that, and even Sunny who had just passed out of babyhood, was not born yesterday. Neither were you, unless of course I am wrong, in which case, welcome to the world, little baby, and congratulations on learning to read so early in life. Lemony Snicket
You’re noble enough, Baudelaires. That’s all we can ask for in this world. Lemony Snicket