Quotes From "The Mating Of Michael" By Eli Easton

Michael scrambled around again and kissed James’s lips and cheeks in brief, silly pecks.“ Breakfast?”“ You offering or ordering?” James grumbled.“ I’m offering to cook if you’re offering up the groceries. Do you have eggs?”“ No, I have sperm. What the hell do they teach you in school these days?” Michael giggled. “Chicken eggs, wise ass. In your refrigerator. Eli Easton
Michael looked embarrassed. “No, I don’t really… I mean in real life, I don’t do that. I read BDSM once in a while, but honestly, I prefer the sweeter romances.”“ Sure. I believe you. Bondage Ben.”“Stop it.” Michael laughed.“ Cracky McCracken.” James flicked an invisible whip.“ I am not! I’m more like Nick Normal.”“Nipple Clamp Ned.”“Vince Vanilla.”James gave him a dubious look and snorted. “I doubt that very much.” Michael shrugged with an evil little smile. “Well, maybe not entirely vanilla. . Eli Easton