Quotes From "The Leftovers" By Tom Perrotta

Nora had been training herself not to think too much about her kids. Not because she wanted to forget them - not at all - but because she wanted to remember them more accurately. For the same reason, she tried not to look too often at old photographs or videos.. After a while, these scraps hardened into a kind of official narrative that crowded out thousands of equally valid memories, shunting the losers to some cluttered basement storage area in her brain. . Tom Perrotta
To this day, she’s still sad. Because there’s not some finite amount of pain inside us. Our bodies and minds just keep manufacturing more of it. I’m just saying that I took the pain that was inside of her at that moment and made it my own. And it didn’t hurt me at all. Tom Perrotta
These days he was like a zombie, all grim business, just another jerk with an erection. Tom Perrotta
Next time she’d have to ask him to keep the light on while he did it, so she could watch his face. That was the best part of the whole thing as far as she was concerned, the way a guy’s face contorted so violently and then relaxed, as if some terrible mystery had just been solved. Tom Perrotta
I’m only human, she told herself. There’s not enough room in my heart for everyone. Tom Perrotta
It just took some people a little longer than others to realize how few words they needed to get by, how much of life they could negotiate in silence. Tom Perrotta
They both seemed to understand that describing it was beyond their powers, the gratitude that spreads through your body when a burden gets lifted, and the sense of homecoming that follows, when you suddenly remember what it feels like to be yourself. Tom Perrotta
That’s why we get involved with other people, right? Not just for their bodies, but for everything else, too — their dreams and their scars and their stories. Tom Perrotta
Apparently even the most awful tragedies, and the people they'd ruined, got a little stale after a while. Tom Perrotta
Sooner or later we all lose our loved ones. We all have to suffer, every last one of us. Tom Perrotta
It’s a matter of dignity, ” the Chief explained. “At a certain point, that’s all you have left. Tom Perrotta
I’ve matured. I have a much higher tolerance for boredom. Tom Perrotta
He knew for a fact that it was possible to fall and just keep falling. Tom Perrotta