Quotes From "The Journey Of The Soul Continues" By Ivan Alexander PozoIllas

Only those that make “Peace” shall have peace of mind. For in the creating of peace there is a solace of the heart and mind that surrenders logic for calm. A calm that only thosewho know how to be still within their mind can be open to many wondrous things. Peace for its own sake is empty. Peace when it is shared is truly lasting and harmonious. Surrender your havoc and know the healing fortitude that a gentle peace can only offer through unconditional love. Amen. . Ivan Alexander PozoIllas
Choose what will motivate you in life as a whole. Will it be Love or Fear that sets you apart in this lifetime? Karma has no hold on our souls greater than a love known as grace. Or a fear of sheer torment during this sojourn of our Earthly trek. If you choose poorly then you shall be preyed upon and easily manipulated by your peers via numerous tactics of hate at large. If again you choose wisely than keep on your guard using reason with an unconditional love. Because aconditional love is flawed as a mixture of demands placed on it by the frail ego always. It has no place being called love in the absolute eyes of God(dess). . Ivan Alexander PozoIllas